It is easy for anyone to set goals and proclaim their aspirations aloud. "I want to promote to manager!" "I want to find a better job!" "I want to settle down next year!" "I want more time for family!" "I want a balance work-play lifestyle" But to achieve them is another different thing.
Easier said than done. I often like to ask back: "What plans do you have to achieve your goals?" This, in my opinion, is more meaningful than setting goals. Goals will never be achieve unless you plan to achieve, otherwise it is just empty talking. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Sad to say, if you don't come up with a plan to achieve your goals, then those are not goals, they are merely dreams. And dreams are castles that you build in the air, things that will only happen in your sleep. :)
If you dare to dream, realise it! Make it a goal! A real goal, with proper planning to achieve it. Announce your goals to your friends, family! Let them remind you when you lose your focus. Start now! Set a time frame to achieve your goals, or the day will never come! Plan the route and keep on track. Impossible is nothing. Ganbatte!
This is the best motivational movie based on a true life story. If you had seen it, you will agree with me. :)