Tonight after the rain, the weather is very cooling, i'm on top form for a run. Since i'm feeling top form, i decided to run HIIT.
3 rounds around my neighborhood market place. What is HIIT? HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a exercise workout that will improve performance in short and intense workout. In this sense, burning more fats and improve running. What i did was, instead of running in normal pace, i did this:
slow run 30secs, sprint 10sec, slow run 30 sec, sprint 10sec. Repeat this cycle for 3 rounds around my neighborhood market place.
I am a newbie so i use 30secs to cool down after my 10sec sprint. But as i train more, i will cut down on my cool down timing, maybe 20secs slow run. Therefore, the lesser the cool down, the faster you run, of cos tougher. Some research says normal running will burn less fats as the body will get used to the normal pace, thus wasting more time inefficiently.
Anyway since i am on top form so just try out lor haha, sometimes run normally sometimes run HITT. Here's what written on wikipedia:
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint interval training is an exercise strategy that is intended to improve performance with short training sessions. HIIT is a form of cardio which is beneficial to burning fat in a short and intense workout.
A study by Gibala et al.[4] demonstrated 2.5 hours of sprint interval training produced similar biochemical muscle changes to 10.5 hours of endurance training and similar endurance performance benefits. According to a study by King [5] , HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate (RMR) for the following 24 hours due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and may improve maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) more effectively than doing only traditional, long aerobic workouts.[6][7][8][9] Long aerobic workouts have been promoted as the best method to reduce fat, as fatty acid utilization usually occurs after at least 30 minutes of training. HIIT is somewhat counterintuitive in this regard, but has nonetheless been shown to burn fat more effectively. |