I am one year older again, kinda scary nowadays as i'm approaching the age 3X generation. It is very easy to remember my birthday, just remember 汤圆, "Tang Yuan". My birthday falls on 冬至. So whenever you eat Tang Yuan, remember its my birthday. :) I don't really celebrate my birthday, every year just receive red packet from mom and few presents from close buddies. No parties. How i spent my birthday? Morning at home. Afternoon go Bugis walk walk with Chris. Evening go gym. Night feast with Fatina.
This year my presents include Renoma's singlets and a Modern Amusement's cap. How's my real life modeling? Can go model for blog shop? hahaha.

Mom home cook Tang Yuan, best! Just use hand to mould the glutinous rice flour into ball ball.

And of cos a birthday cake from mom too. This year received 3 birthday cakes total.