Yay bought new wheels just now, Seba 76mm 85A, $36 at Hvper. Now i can set rocker settings to my rollerblade.

Why/What's rocker setting? Here's the information i gathered:

Full Rocker (aka Banana Rocker) - Middle 2 wheels bigger size than the outermost front/back wheels. - The bigger the 2 middle wheels, the more difficult to balance. Imagine standing on 2 wheels only! - mainly for better response to rotational movement (especially good for Slalom). - To a certain point, mimics ice skate's blade. (ice skate's got the shape of a banana frame). Maybe good for me next time if i play ice skate haha.

There are other wheels setting like HiLO which is good for people who tends to fall backwards, or anti-rocker. More details can be found here.
Later i going to sandpaper my wheels to get rid of the wax. I don't like the gripy feel of new wheels, very easy to lose balance. You will need a alien key to remove the wheels (Some rollerblades need 2 alien keys). If you are removing the wheels for the 1st time, you may need to break the torque. After breaking the torque, later when you put back the wheels, do not tighten too tight. Because the alien key might "round" the nut.

For changing old wheels to new wheels, you need to take out the ball bearings and install onto the new wheels. Use the alien key to hook out the ball bearings. Good chance to clear off any sand or particles inside the ball bearings. Picture shows ball bearings (3 parts on top), and wheels with and without ball bearings.

After removing the wheels, just gently use sandpaper and sand away the layer of wax. Use a higher rough grade sandpaper helps. When the wheels feel smooth and dry, its done. See the color before and after de-waxed. :)