Today is handing over keys for my kaki bukit showroom, after which most probably i wont be visiting this place for the near future. After 2 years working at this place, finally it has come to an end. Too bad, but no choice since the business here is damn terrible. Throughout the 2 years, so many shops in our same building rised and closed. There is no crowd, no business to mention at all. Other than the location is not very popular, i think the building management also got a part to blame. Initially parking is free within the building, people can park their car and feel free to browse the shops. Then soon after, parking needs $$$, per entry parking. If people want to browse, they have to pay to enter if they drive in. Later on, the building management even came up with "red boxes" to restrict people from parking freely within the building. Location already not popular still set up so many rules. Some more the building management doesn't even advertise to attract people to come. The last straw was they even raise up the rent. Lol. I can say no tenants will stay there for long. If you are familiar with kaki bukit area, you can guess which buildings i'm saying.
Anyway i took back a console as a souvenir from my boss. Wanted to use this teak wood console for my laptop, but find it too big. So use it for stuffing misc things.