• i am nokia N series
    Most of the pictures posted in my blog were taken using my Sony WX5, Nokia n73 and 7610 handphone. If you have any comments pls leave on my cbox.

    12 July 2010
    Don't be scare to train!
    Guess what is one common worry i heard in gym? Guys saying they don't want to over train to look super big like Arnold. Girls scared to use more weights to tone their body as they don't want to look muscular!

    This and this!?


    First of all, this is really a worry too much. Haha. Trust me, if you are just a normal regular gym-goer, you will NEVER attain that kind of body. Sidetrack abit, you may have seen some real good looking power-puff guys on the streets, nice and big looking in clothing, but do they have the definition as the bodybuilders above? Hell no. For your info, Olympia bodybuilders are mostly double the size with incredible definition. And they do not eat the normal supplements/meals like our normal regular gym-goer.

    Ok back to topic. Why do i say this is a needless worry? I will provide some reasons:

    1) How big you want is mainly depends on your diet, not the weights. Surely you can control your diet. When you think you have achieve the size you want, stop eating to bulk. Eat to maintain or cut. (Bulk means gain weight, cut means lose weight for definition.)

    2) You can control the definition you want! Yes correct! Definition is not an overnight training. No such thing as sudden too ripped over a weekend training. When you feel that your body is well define enough to your own liking, do maintenance training, don't keep on adding heavier weights. In any case, if you skip training for a few months, you will lose some definition. So no worry.

    3) You can control how muscular you want! (For ladies :D) It is just like definition, do not worry that after a workout, the next day u wake up with bulging biceps! Its impossible! Haha. Muscle grows gradually, not drastically. Its is already very hard for guys to gain big muscle with all their protein meals. Muscle feeds on protein to grow. Ladies are basically low on testosterone and low protein diet therefore should not worry about gaining big muscle.

    To sum up, bodybuilding is a long term commitment, real bodybuilder took many long years to get their hardcore body, with strict disciplined diet. Normal guys like us shouldn't fear getting their size. Fat and big more likely hehe. And who says girls with muscle not nice? They are in fact even more beautiful!

    posted by psy @ 11:07 PM  
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