Hi guys,
I'm back from my morning FR2's maiden skate. The first time we put on FR2, we were totally not used to it. Very cramp and tight at the leg, but its normal as assured by the sales girl and what i read from forums. I got reminiscence of my first time skating. The new wheels are very smooth, i almost cannot balance well. Just a small kick and the wheels can roll for a smooth distance. Totally different from rentals.

True enough, after skating for about a mile or so, we were used to the tightness. In fact, we actually felt the comfort and support of FR2, compared to normal blades. We skated to the end of East Coast Park (Exit to Fort Road), and back to Mac Donald. Today we both skated without any guards. But my advice to all newbies, do not ever ever ever attempt any funny stunts or trick without guards. Unless you want to get some nasty cuts.